Natural beauty in Tanzania: everything you want to know about nature in Tanzania

Sustainable travel to Tanzania with Charlie’s Travels We are constantly working to make our trips more sustainable. For example, we work with partners such as JustDiggit, which has made greening East Africa and the planet their core business. Flying to the other side of the world is not necessarily sustainable, but we can make a […]

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Diversity at its finest: everything you need to know about nature in Kenya

Mount Suswa

Sustainable travel to Kenya with Charlie’s Travels Kenya is our home country and that is for a good reason: as far as we are concerned, Kenya is the most beautiful country there is and that is partly due to the beautiful nature and landscapes in Kenya. This country is super diverse in culture, landscapes, nature […]

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Ethical tourism: this is how to respect human rights while traveling


What human rights are violated in the tourism industry? According to tourism expert at Friends of Nature International, Cornelia Kühhas, the following human rights violations occur in the tourism sector: staff working under poor working conditions, women and children being (sexually) exploited, and tourism projects being realized at the expense of the local population. As […]

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The drawbacks of mass tourism and how to avoid it

Stumbling over rolling suitcases, being unable to see the sight through all the cameras and long lines for attractions. These scenes are not a rarity in tourist spots. Not necessarily what you are looking forward to when you finally go on your long-awaited vacation, right? Let’s dive a little deeper into the major drawbacks of […]

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An Organised Round Trip To Kenya: What Does It Look Like?

How to arrange your own round trip through Kenya So, you want to go to Kenya. But how do you actually arrange a holiday to Kenya? You probably haven’t been to this country before and may not be sure what to consider. Questions about travel distances in Kenya, the costs of renting a car in […]

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Charlie’s Travels guarantee measure with the help of a foundation safely insured on travel


The Guarantee Measure explained We have to take measures that protect you, the traveller if we go bankrupt. This is called the guarantee measure. This measure ensures that: That the traveller gets their money back in case of bankruptcy or; That the trip can be executed because another travel provider takes over the trip or; […]

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To Wonderful Africa With The Family

A family bond is something special. This becomes more and more evident with age. However, the older we get, the more independent we become from each other, and shared experiences turn into beautiful but sometimes distant memories. So, take a moment and reflect on a pleasant experience with your family. Where was this memory created? […]

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Our Impact On Local Communities


Present on the ground Picturing a dusty office in the Netherlands with dreamy photos of idyllic beaches on the wall, where we make bookings behind our computer screens while the rain taps on the window? Not for us, we don’t do it that way! We are on the ground on the African continent, and not […]

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Sustainable travel with Charlie’s Travels: where did it start? In 2014, Charlie boarded a plane to Africa. With a neatly trimmed beard and his diploma under his arm, he flew to Kenya to do an internship with an African provider that allows you to transfer money online. He was having a great time, but something […]